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Saturday 9: Heat Of The Moment

I am back in to full swing with doing fun memes again. I can't wait to get back on track. So today we start with Saturday 9. Hope you enjoy and join in the fun.

Saturday 9: The Heat of the Moment (1982)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) What's something you did or said "in the heat of the moment?" 

A: I said yes to working double time a few times when I was just in my own little world. Boy was that a mistake.

2) Asia's founder and bass player, John Wetton, passed away in January. One of his bandmates remembered him as a reliable performer who made everyone around him look better. Do you enjoy being the center of attention? Or would you, like Mr. Wetton, prefer to play a supporting role? 

A: I Don't like being the center of attention so I rather play a supporting role.

3) Asia is a British band who played their first US concert at Clarkson University in Potsdam,New York. The nearest major city -- Ottawa, Canada -- is a 90-minutedrive from Pottsdam. When you were last in the car for an hour or more? Where were you going?

A: My mom's for Christmas. She lives 2 hours away from us.

4) The song refers to disco hotspots, which apparently, by 1982, no one wanted to go to anymore. Let's make that negative into a positive. Describe your perfect night out with friends. Where would you go?

A: Dinner, Shopping and a movie.

5) In 1982, the year this song was popular, someone laced bottles of Tylenol with cyanide. That's why we now have tamper-proof caps on many products. Have you used anything in a tamper-proof bottle yet today? 

A: No not yet today.

6) In 1982, Time Magazine'sPerson of the Year wasn't a person at all, it was "the computer." What do you use your computer for most often?

A: Blogging and reviews for books.

7) 1982 also saw the premiere ofThe Weather Channel. Where do you learn the day's weather forecast? (Watching the local news on TV, checking your phone, looking out the window ...)

A: Checking my phone and the television.

8) In 1982, Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie, Conan the Barbarian, was a hit in theaters. When you settle down to watch a movie, is it usually a fantasy, like Conan? Or do you prefer another genre (action, comedy, adventure, romance, drama, classic ...)

A: I like romance and drama but Adventure as well.

9) Random question: What is something you try to avoid?

A: Drama.


  1. I like how you think. Life tosses enough at us without us creating additional drama for ourselves.

  2. I avoid drama as much as possible. I grew up in a household full of it; no more for me if I can help it!

    1. I did as well. Still have some but I try to avoid at all costs now.

  3. Oh yeah... Drama. I just friended a twenty some woman when she messaged me with a "Hey!" I repealed "Yes?" and she flew off the handle because I didn't say "Hi" to her. Too much drama! I click on unfriend.

    1. Ya I get that sometimes and I will definitely delete them.

  4. Drama is very unsettling. After all, we can think what we like and secretly smirk, or even practice voodoo or tar and feathers with no one the wiser.
    I'm sure that the Kremlin, Harvard, MIT, Cambridge, and the CIA have tried pretty hard, but there's still no mind reading.


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