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Sunday Stealing: The Kathy Aay Questions

Happy Sunday everyone hope you have a blessed day.

Sunday Stealing: The Kathy Aay Questions

1. What is the meaning of your blog’s name?

A: I really don't have a meaning per say I guess you would just say Its what I like to write about or want to write about.

2. Why did you start your blogging?

A:  This blog to do fun memes and things I want to write about.

My other blog for my love of books.

3. What’s your usual bedtime?

A: Depends on how my 6 month old daughter and 2 year old son goes to sleep but usually it's 10pm.

4. Are you lazy?

A: No I run around with a two year old boy all day and my daughter keeps me busy as well. I also do house chores when I can.

5. Do you miss anyone right now?

A: My mom. Wish I lived closer to her.

6. How would you describe your fashion sense?

A: Comfy clothes.

7. What are your nicknames?

A: Mom, Hon, Stac

8. Are you a patient person?

A: Not anymore. I use to be.

9. Are you tight-fisted or frivolous?

A: Frivolous.

10. What magazines do you read?

A: None

11. Are you stubborn?

A: Yes.

12. When is your birthday?

A: June 23 hard to believe I will be 30 years old.

13. What book are you currently reading?

A: A Princess In Waiting

14. What phone do you have?

A: Alcatel one touch smartphone.

15. Do you have any pets?

A: A dog.

16. Do you have siblings?

A: Yes.

17. Any children or grandchildren?

A: 2 children. Emily and Luke.

18. What do you order at Starbucks?

A: A frappicino.

19. What did you do for your last birthday?

A: Went out to dinner with hubby and son.

20. What’s your occupation?

A: Stay home mom.

21. Do you live in the country or the city?

A: City.


  1. Funny, I had a harder time turning 30 than I did turning 50, but if I could back time up and be 30 again, I would!

    1. To me it makes me feel old. My son will be turning 3 a week after I turn 30 so 3's all around in June while my hubby will still be 28. Lol

  2. Two small children under five can really run you off your feet! And, aren't comfy clothes just the best. Happy Sunday, busy mama.

    1. My two year old soon to be 3 drives me crazy and keeps me on the go. My 6 month old daughter has been a great baby and hope she won't be as hard to handle like my son when she gets his age. I rather be busy though then not doing anything. 😀

  3. I would love to be 30 again. I barely remember being that age! Take some time for yourself occasionally. Easy to forget that with two little ones!

    1. I take long showers when hubby gets home from work and I try to read a little bit when they have Daddy time. But sometimes it is hard with two little ones but wouldn't change a thing.


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